Monday, February 16, 2009

Australian Lingo 101/Settling In

I am finally getting settled into my new apartment. Things are not quite relaxed because there are a couple of random errands I need to complete, but I feel much less stressed.

It's been really fun living with other people from all over the world. Marc, one of my roommates knows a lot of people from the UK, so I've had the chance to meet some of them. Although we all speak English, we definitely run into some language barriers at times. For me, it's difficult to understand Marc's Scottish accent. I usually ask him to slow down or say things a bit slower :-P Matias and Marc also use different words than I am used to, so we run into some awkward but funny moments. For example:

mozzi: mosquito
barbie: bbq
tomato paste: ketchup
bogan: bum
mate: friend
take a piss: make fun of-apparently this is Brittish and you DON'T want to confuse that
no worries: you're welcome
ranger: red headed person, usually followed by "ginger, let's find a cure"
mole: slut
slurry: slut
bush pig: ugly girl
bloke: guy
dahl: darling
beaut: great, fantastic
bloke: man/guy
bloody oath: that's certainly true!
bludger: lazy person
bonza: great
budgie smugglers: men's speedo
chewie: gum
cobber: friend
dag: a funny person, nerd, goof
dero: tramp, hobo
dill: an idiot
dunny: a toilet outside
esky: cooler
fiar dinkum: true, genuine
grog: liquor, beer
gander: to look
larrikin:  bloke who is always enjoying himself
maccas: mcdonalds!
oi: hey, come here!
pash: a long passionate kiss
perve: look lustfully at the opposite sex
pokies: poker machines
ripper: great, fantastic
root: shag, get lucky, sex
schooner: large beer glass in queensland
servo: gas station
sickie: day off from work when you're not actually sick
spewin': very angry
spunk: a good looking person of the opposite sex
stoked: very pleased
sunnies: glasses
thongs: flip flops
tinny: can of beer
turps: alcohol
veggo: vegetarian
wanker: no one likes one of these guys
yank: american

I can't think of any more right now, but I'm planning on making a list because I find it very entertaining. Unfortunately, my American accent and antics are a prime target for teasing. I get a lot of crap for being the typical "American" girl, but it's all in good fun. Australia culture is so much more laid back than American culture and people spend the majority of their time making fun of each other. It's incredibly entertaining and hilarious. Matias is trying to teach me to "dish it out" as well as take it, and luckily I'm making some progress...In Australian culture, the more someone likes you, the more they will make fun of you so my friends keep trying to reassure me that it's all out of love :)

The weather in Brisbane is so up and down. Some days, it's incredibly hot (like 90s) and other days, it just rains. We are in the wet season right now, so these rainstorms are ordinary. I spent the entire day on Monday outside and by the time I got home, I was suffering from a mild case of heat stroke. Luckily, my roommates made me drink a lot of water so I wouldn't throw up and they also gave me aloe to put on my burns. I actually wasn't too burned.

Last Sunday, we went to the South Bank and went to the beach. It was SO awesome because the beach is literally in the middle of the city. It's the largest man-made beach in Australia. There was sand, salt water and people every where! We took the City Cat there-it's a ferry type boat that goes back and forth across and around the Brisbane river. It's an awesome way to travel because it's so fun every time! Public transportation is a big thing here-there are buses, trains, ferries and the city cat.

I've gone out a couple of nights since I've been here. One of the best nights was Valentine's Day. We went to Fortitude Valley and walked up and down the streets to all kinds of bars. Unfortunately, there was a dress code so we were rejected form quite a few bars because Dave, cough cough, was on a pants strike and wore shorts. At least we learned our lesson!

Last night, we went to an Irish pub on Queens Street (in the city centre). It was super fun and there was live music! The night was going pretty well until we sat next to a convict 3 days out of jail. I'm not sure why he decided to tell us that, but it was fairly shocking?

I saw "He's just not that into you" two nights ago. I actually forgot for a couple of seconds that I was in Australia because I felt like I was at home. It was a cute movie and a relaxing way to spend out nights.

I've met a lot of really cool people since I've been here. Most of my friends are international students, but we all get along and have a good time together. We are hoping to take a weekend trip to the Gold Coast on Friday, but we'll see if it actually works out.

Anyway-long blog session. I promise I will try to put up some pictures as soon as I take some good ones. I miss everyone from home/Madison. xoxo

G'day mates