After we woke up in the morning, we spent the next couple of hours on the beach. I just laid out for most of the time, but I also tried boggie boarding. I had been surfing before, so I knew how to catch the wave, but I was struggling much more than Megan was!
After spending time on the beach, Brett took us to the shipwreck coast to snorkel. I had been looking forward to this all day, so I was pretty pumped. Because Brett knew we wanted to see fish, he decided to bring bread chunks into the water to feed the fish. Megan and I FREAKED out when he threw the bread in the water because all these fish came swimming at our faces. Once he saw our reaction, he wouldn't stop throwing the bread right at us. Here is a picture some-what capturing the amount of fish in our faces.

Fish surrounding our faces
The Shipwreck Coast
We were the only people on the beach-it was so nice!
One of our last stops of the day was to the local store to get some ice cream. There, I met Knox-one of the only dogs I've seen since I've been here(ps. his name isn't really Knox, I just called him that). I swatted down to pet him and he went nuts! He almost bit my hand off. Wanting revenge, I kept torturing him by secretly flicking his tail and making him go off again. hehe...
Knox the devil dog!
Lastly, these pics are from the ferry ride home. The sunset was absolutely breathtaking and a fabulous way to end our awesome weekend.
If you have read up until here, I am very impressed! I know I just practically wrote a book, but I hope you enjoyed it! I'll blog about anything interesting in the next month and I miss you!