Friday, March 27, 2009

Brisbane Forest Park/Mila's Birthday/Surfer's Paradise

Last week was a good week.  I only had 2 full days of classes and 5 days off.  

Brisbane Forest Park

On Thursday, my Australia's Terrestrial Environment class took a field trip to the Brisbane Forest Park and Mt Jolly.  It was a pretty fun trip.  The day started around 10 am when we took a bus to the park.  The drive was about an hour.  We were driving along the side of a mountain/cliff so it was a littler nerve racking.  The worst part was when the driver cut a corner too close and slammed the side of the bus into a rock.  I swear I felt the bus tip a little toward the edge and everyone went absolutely silent.  We all felt a little uneasy after that experience.

Once in the park, we went through two different types of forests.  We saw lots of eucalyptus trees and also a rainforest.  It was quite beautiful to be walking along the trails, but we were busy with a 12 page packets, so I was focusing on filling out the answers most of the time.

After we got done with our tour of the forests, we drove to a wildlife sanctuary.  There, we got to see lots of cute animals!  I saw snakes, turtles, birds, kangaroos, walabees, and a platypus. 

The day finished with tea and scones on top of Mt. Jolly.  The view was absolutely beautiful and it was a good way to end the trip.  We headed home around 6 pm and everyone on the bus was sleeping the entire ride home.

Mila's Birthday

The next day, I spent the majority of the day getting stuff ready for Mila's birthday.  She did NOT want any sort of celebration so I, of course, tried as hard as I could to make as big of a deal about her birthday as I could.  I decorated my deck with streamers, baked her a cake, and made her a really cute picture frame with a lizard on it (she has a weird obsession with lizards). That night, I had her come over so I could sing "Happy Birthday" and give her the cake.  Although she didn't show it, I secretly know she enjoyed it :)

Surfer's Paradise

The next morning, 5 of us left for Surfer's Paradise in the Gold Coast.  It was me, Mila, Bethany, Suzanne and Alyssa.  It took us about 2 hours and $5 to get there.  We arrived at the bus station and our "limo" from the hostel came to pick us up.  It was the ugliest limo I have ever seen, but it was hilarious to ride in.  We arrived at the Sleeping In Backpackers Hostel and were immediately offered a chance to sign up for "The Big Night Out".  We jumped on the opportunity to do something fun (since it was Mila's real birthday) so we all signed up to go.  We spent the day on the beach.  The highlight of the day was that Mila and Alyssa had to be rescued by the life guards because they got stuck in the rip.  It all happened so quickly!  In literally 5 seconds, I looked behind me and saw that both of them were over 10 feet away from me.  Luckily, they didn't get eaten by sharks :)  Later, we came back to the hostel to get ready for our night.  When we went to the lobby at 8:30, we were presented with cowboy hats, glow sticks, and passes for free drinks.  We started the night drinking goon (Australian version of franzia).  The party bus soon arrived and everyone loaded onto it.  The entire bus sang Happy Birthday to Mila!!  It was so awesome to see her as the center of attention because she hates it!  We danced until the bus arrived at the first bar.  The rest of the night continued in the same fashion.  There were about 200 people that signed up for "The Big Night Out" and it was cool to meet people from all over the world.  That night, for some reason, I met a lot of Irish.  Their accents are very difficult to understand and I realized I prefer the Australian accent-sorry Lisa:-)

The next morning, after getting hardly enough sleep, we got up for our surfing lesson.  It was 2 hours long and we started with the basics.  We learned about the different positions and ocean safety.  We started out just learning how to ride the wave into shore.  After, we learned how to steer and lastly, we learned how to jump onto the board.  I was able to get up for about 5 seconds before getting thrown into the water.  Surfing is such a workout!  My entire body was sore the next day-arms, butt, stomach and neck!  Also, my swimsuit snapped in the middle so I had to quickly buy a new one before taking off my wetsuit top to avoid flashing everyone.  The wetsuit top was skin tight and clung pretty tightly to my body so it was a very uncomfortable situation.  After our lesson, we chilled on the beach until it was time to go home.

As for this week, nothing too exciting has happened.  I had 4 assignments due so I spent quite a bit of time on schoolwork.  I leave for Melbourne on Thursday, and I am going on  a 2-day tour of the Great Ocean Road on Saturday/Sunday.  I am very excited to leave Brisbane by plane!  I will take lots of pictures!

G'day mates :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

One-month Anniversary!

Because blogger sucks, these posts are actually out of order so sorry for the confusion...

On Saturday night, we saw "The Watchmen".  It was a pretty good movie, although it was long.  Today, (Sunday) we went to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.  We got to see all kinds of animals, it was SO cool!  We saw dingos, porcupines, wombats, koalas, walabees, kangas, roos, snakes, crocs, birds, tazzie devils and more!  Here are some pictures (check facebook for a many more!)

This weekend was a very good weekend.  Friday was very uneventful-I just bought stuff for my apartment and relaxed.  Saturday, I went to the Brisbane Botanical Gardens.  It was so beautiful!  Here are some pictures:
Bridge near the Brisbane River
Look at these tree roots!
Cool tree

Me in the bamboo trees!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Australian Way

There are a couple of things I was hoping to blog about in the entry, so I'll try to cover it all.  

Topic 1: New apartment! Sorry about the poor quality of the pictures.

Topic 2:
Sunday is my one-month anniversary of my arrival in Australia, and over the past 4 weeks, I've come to appreciate the Aussie way.  Some things include:

1. Victoria Bitter-EVEN if Matias calls it "bogan juice"  It's cheap and tasty!

2. Tim Tams. A chocolate biscuit made by Arnott's Biscuits, Australia.  Two layers of chocolate malted biscuit, separated by a light chocolate cream filling, and coated in a thin layer of chocolate.
3. The fashion. Everyone wears such cute (and much less) clothing!  Big belts, high waisted everything, cute shoes and short-shorts are definitely in.  It makes sense to wear less clothing because of the heat, and because everyone is in amazing shape...

Gladiator sandals

Short Dresses/big belts
High waisted short-shorts

4. Burger Urge.  They are extremely healthy and the meat is high quality and inexpensive.   They put so many yummy vegetables on it- I feel like I'm eating a salad!

Topic 3: Classes.

My classes started this week.  Luckily, I only have class Tuesday-Thursday so I get a nice 4-day weekend.  I am taking:

Australia's Terrestrial Environment
This class is going to be awesome.  We are learning about the history of the biology of Australia.  I get to go on two fieldtrips to the zoo and rainforest.  It's apparently fairly easy, so it will be a nice class.

Australian Popular Culture
Once again, this class is going to be fairly easy.  The majority of students are from the states, so we are all in the same boat.  During our first class, we watched the opening and closing ceremony of the Sydney Olympics.  It was cool to see the different elements of Australian culture in the ceremony.

Statistics for Economists
Apparently this is a very challenging class.  I was not very happy to hear about that, but I need it for credit.  

Economics of Natural Resources
I believe this class is going to be really interesting.  It's small-there's probably only about 25 of us in it.  I sat next to Alex, a french exchange student last class.  Funny story about him actually.  We were listening to the professor talk when he whispers "what is lumber?"  In his accent, I was having a lot of trouble understanding him.  I thought he was asking for my number and I managed to make a FOOL of myself.  Great...

Overall, I think I am going to really enjoy my classes.  We don't have a lot of homework, so I'll have plenty of time to continue my adventures!

I'll try and blog some good stories-for now, I'm just enjoying the sun and getting my new apt. settled.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Gold Coast

New pictures:

Mila, Karen and I at "Fish and Wine" in the Gold Coast

Afternoon at the beach at the Gold Coast

Lifeguard at Gold Coast

Brisbane city at night

This is what happens when you don't wear sun screen properly...

Trail in South Brisbane 

Ferris wheel at night

Ferris wheel during the day

My attempt at taking a picture on the city cat, of another city cat/North Quay

New updates:

1. I moved into my new place!  It's very nice and I'll try to post pictures soon.

2. School starts tomorrow-luckily, I don't have class until Tuesday, but it's going to be so weird starting school.  I've had almost 3 months off.

3. I went to the Gold Coast last weekend.  It's an area south of Brisbane on the coast, obviously.  I went with my friends Mila, Karen, Dave, Fredrik and Oz.  We stayed in a really nice hostel that was air conditioned!  It was about an hour train ride and another hour bus ride to the hostel.  Our first day, we went to the beach, went out to dinner and then went out to the bars.  Our second day, we checked out the surf competition.  Apparently, the best surfer in Australia was there!  It was really cool to see people actually catching the wave because it's so difficult.  I was freaking out the entire time about sharks, but I did spend some time playing in the waves.

The third shark attack in 1 week happened again in Sydney today-looks like I won't be getting in the ocean in Sydney!
