Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Getting ready to leave

There are good things and bad things about starting school a month and a half after everyone else. Good things: I get a longer break, I had more time to say goodbye to my friends, I had extra time to pack and take a mini vacation to Arizona. Bad things: I have way too much time on my hands and unfortunately, other than working, I spend a lot of my time thinking about my trip. As my last week in Minnesota approaches, I am beginning to realize how long 5 1/2 months really is. We've gotten to the point where my mom can't even talk about me leaving without crying. As excited as I am to pack up and get to 80 degree weather, after spending last weekend in Madison and saying my final goodbyes, the idea that I am actually leaving is starting to kick in. I thought I had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted, but my break has flown by. I leave in exactly a week, and to be perfectly honest, it's pretty shocking. I'm not exactly sure what to expect when I get to the airport, but I know that saying goodbye is going to be harder than I anticipated. Maybe it's because 1. I don't have a place to live 2. I won't have internet 3. I won't have a cell phone 4. I will literally be completely on my own. As scary as it sounds, I know there are definitely more frightening things in life. I know this blog wasn't supposed to start until I got to Brisbane, but I guess I was in the mood for a preview.